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Barola Technologies - Educational Research, Development and Training
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Center for innovation
Barola Center for Innovation© is a copyright concept of Barola Technolgies under Indian copyright act 1957, is a platform which complements existing education structure of both theoretical and practical aspect of engineering. Thrust is on implementing learning by doing. We call it “Practical Engineering “
Center for Innovation (CFI ) is an R&D and Training Lab set up at engineering institution Pan India upon an MoU with Barola Technologies.
CFI will act as an In-house R&D unit of the college to take up challenges of emerging technologies, skilling with required industrial tools, career oriented
Barola Technologies will set a innovation lab with its patent applied tools and equipment at its cost. Upon setting up of Lab, Barola Technologes in coordination with college will form an innovation team who would be working on different areas of emerging technology such as Drones, Health-care,Artificial Intelligence, Wearable Technology, IoT, Agriculture Management.